European Carbon Farming Summit

Supporting high-level conversations to shape up robust carbon farming markets and policies. It represents a space for sharing knowledge and experiences, upscaling solutions and enabling the multiplication of climate actions across the EU.

Building momentum and trust

The summits are articulated in three main sessions

Which practices for European soils?

  • Regional agrosystems
  • Farmer acceptance
  • Co-benefits
  • Trade-offs
  • Value Chains

What standards and certification mechanisms?

  • Quality criteria
  • Baselining
  • Overlapping schemes
  • Additionality
  • Offsetting and claims

How to monitor carbon fluxes?

  • Data harmonization
  • Model calibration
  • Emerging technologies
  • Remote sensing
  • Monitoring initiatives

Why attend


Understand the scientific grounds to develop impactful policies and unlock market opportunities.

Policy makers

Keep up with policy development and engage your peers in identifying robust climate actions.

Economic actors

Increase the visibility of your solution and stay tuned with potential market trends.


Contribute to establish the conditions for climate actions and sustainable development to work together.

Land managers

Bring your experience on how carbon farming can lead to the sustainable transformation of crop production.

Carbon project developers

Gain a comprehensive understanding on how to better engage and lead local operators.

The climate crisis needs you to act

The climate crisis needs you to act

The European Carbon Farming Summit provides a space for the sector to agree on best mechanisms to scale robust climate actions. But dialogues happen between individuals, and we need everyone's involvement to safeguard the enviromental integrity of carbon farming. There are a few options to get involved with the summit. Visit Project Credible's website to understand which one fits you best.

Previous edition

1st Summit - Valencia 2024

Get access to all presentations and slides shared, including the keynote speeches given by the following experts of carbon markets and policies.


Credible iconSAE iconCKIC icon

With the collaboration of:

Esferico iconBSAG iconAC3A iconEARSC iconILVO iconUFZ iconCREAF iconCREA iconCOOP iconEEB iconBEC iconUH iconAgroApps iconECAF iconELGO iconEco Logic iconEURAF iconUG iconUCSC iconI4CE icon
EU icon

Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.